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Doctoral Colloquium

Thank you to our generous partner

The ANZMAC 2023 Doctoral Colloquium (DC) will be hosted by the University of Otago Business School and will run from Friday 1st to the Sunday 3rd of December immediately prior to the main ANZMAC 2023 conference.

The DC is a forum for doctoral marketing students to meet and discuss their work with both each other and an experienced research panel of discussants. The colloquium will be held in a constructive, collaborative, inclusive and friendly environment. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing and consumer behaviour are welcome.


Doctoral students in any year of study are welcome to submit their research but we are keen to provide you with the maximum opportunity for discussion and debate, and for you to receive focused, detailed and constructive feedback on your research from our panels of distinguished research discussants. For this reason, we would ask you to consider how you would benefit most in terms of feedback. More specifically: 


  • Students in the early stages of their PhD may benefit most from feedback on their critical review of the literature, conceptual framing of their study and the development of their research question(s). 


  • Students in the mid-stages of their PhD may benefit most from feedback on their justification for their research design and methodology and how this aligns with their research question(s) and aims. 


  • Finally, students in the final stages of their PhD may value feedback on their preliminary analysis of findings and their articulation of the proposed theoretical contribution of their study.



Doctoral presentations at the colloquium will take place in parallel tracks based on topic areas of study and particular areas of focus (i.e., literature, research design or analysis of findings). In addition to student presentations, there will be faculty presentations designed to help students plan and manage their PhD journey. 


Funding Schemes

There are a number of funding schemes available to assist DC students to attend the Colloquium and Main Conference. Details of these can be found on the submission template


Should you have any questions regarding the Doctoral Colloquium, please feel free to email

ANZMAC23 DC Travel Grant Awards

We are delighted to announce the following students have been awarded ANZMAC23 DC travel grants:



  • Tanya Carlyle- University of Newcastle

  • Ngan Pham- University of Wollongong

  • David Goyeneche- University of Queensland


New Zealand

  • Claire Beach- University of Auckland

  • Thejani Wickrama Hewage- University of Canterbury

  • Chetan Shah- University of Auckland



The Rohan Venkatraman’s Layton Travel Grant Award


We are delighted to announce that the  ANZMAC23 DC Rohan Venkatraman’s Layton Travel Grant has been awarded to Xiaotian Liu of the University of Queensland. 

Volunteer Expression of Interest

We are keen to offer opportunities to our student community to get involved in our conference. These professional development opportunities can be tailored to suit successful applicants’ career interests.

What's in it for you?

Training and support will be provided.

Compensation will be made for your time in the form of a ticket to the ANZMAC conference. This is worth $800, and if you're planning on going to the conference, it's a no brainer. You must volunteer for at least two days to receive full access to the conference.

The conference ticket will grant you access to all the social events; welcome reception and gala dinner. Morning and afternoon teas, and lunches will be provided.


Register your interest to volunteer here.


Our Team

Click on a profile below for more information. 

DC Program

Doctoral Colloquium Program

Please see below the provisional program for the Doctoral Colloquium. Further details will be provided as they are finalised. 

Friday 1 December

4:30pm NZDT



5:30pm - 6:30pm NZDT













6:30pm NZDT

Registration opens​



Welcome and Keynote Speaker​

  • DC Co-Chairs - Associate Professor Tony Garry, Dr Masoud Karami and Dr Wiebke Finkler

  • Professor Maree Thyne – Dean, Otago Business School, and Co-Chair of the ANZMAC 2023 Conference

  • Professor Linda Robinson- ANZMAC President

  • Professor Liliana Bove- University of Melbourne- Sponsor of the 2023 ANZMAC Doctoral Colloquium


Keynote Presentation: Applying Marketing for Good

Speaker: Professor Sharyn Rundle -Thiele




Saturday 2 December

9:00am - 10:00am NZDT



10:30am - 11:00am NZDT



11:00am - 12:30pm NZDT



12:30pm - 1:30pm NZDT



1:30pm - 3:00pm NZDT



3:00pm - 3:30pm NZDT



3:30pm - 5:00pm NZDT

Student Presentations​



Morning Tea and Coffee​



Parallel Workshops






Student Presentations



Afternoon Tea and Coffee



Plenary Panel Discussion: What I wish I knew about writing journal articles before writing my first journal article.



  • Associate Professor Karen Fernandez

  • Professor Roger Marshal

  • Professor Aron O’Cass

  • Professor Peter Popkowski-Leszczyc

  • Professor Vida Siahtiri


According to google scholar, our panel members for this plenary session collectively have over 600 ABDC-ranked journal publications and nearly 36,000 citations. They will share their knowledge and experience on what they now know and what they wished they had known about writing journal articles at the start of their careers.

Sunday 3 December

9:00am - 10:30am NZDT



10:30am - 11:00am NZDT



11:00am - 12:30pm NZDT


















12:30pm - 1:30pm NZDT



1:30pm - 3:00pm NZDT



3:00pm - 3:30pm NZDT



3:30pm - 5:00pm NZDT










6:30pm NZDT

Student Presentations​



Morning Tea and Coffee​



Plenary Panel Discussion: How I go about examining a doctoral thesis, the questions I ask myself and what I look for. 



  • Professor Chris Baumann

  • Professor Liliana Bove

  • Professor Harmen Oppewal

  • Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele

  • Professor Mark Uncles


Submitting your thesis is a significant achievement but for many doctoral students, the examination process is the most daunting part of their journey. This is particularly the case if it involves an oral examination. Collectively, our panel have supervised 94 doctoral students to completion and examined 103 doctoral theses. Drawing on this experience they will outline how they go about examining a thesis and the questions they ask themselves. 






Student Presentations



Afternoon Tea and Coffee



Plenary: "Lions and Mice: Finding your academic voice". 



  • Professor Ekant Veer

  • Dr Jessica Pallant


In this session, our presenter will advise students on identifying ways to engage in academia and share their academic knowledge. 



Colloquium Dinner for all DC students and discussants 

St Margarets College, University of Otago

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