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Tracks & Track Chairs
Advertising and Marketing CommunicationsTrack Chairs: Dr Stacey Brennan, Dr Zac Anesbury The advertising and marketing communications landscape is undoubtedly evolving before our eyes. While challenging, these exciting developments present an exceptional opportunity for marketers to drive brand growth and achieve business strategic objectives. The Advertising and Marketing Communications track invites papers exploring the development of novel measures, methods, and theories while embracing the application of traditional approaches in innovative domains. We seek contributions demonstrating how advertising copy and media schedules can effectively reach, engage, and build memories among potential consumers of goods and services—social, commercial, governmental, or otherwise. We welcome qualitative and quantitative approaches, encourage diverse perspectives, and are enthusiastic about utilising conventional or fresh data sources. We invite submissions that examine the theoretical and managerial implications in various domains, including social media, advertising effectiveness, digital marketing, advertising creatives, media strategy, and emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Let us explore cutting-edge strategies, successful campaigns, evidence-based approaches, and insightful case studies highlighting how advertising and marketing communications can substantially impact business performance and market success. This track is generously sponsored by the University of Sydney Business School.
Artificial Intelligence and InnovationTrack Chairs: Dr Jessica Pallant, A/Prof Ali Tamaddoni The Artificial Intelligence and Innovation track seeks to explore the intersection of AI and marketing. We welcome research papers that examine how AI technologies are being applied in marketing, and their implications for both theory and practice. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Applications of AI for personalised customer experiences and targeted marketing campaigns Using AI for marketing optimisation, decision support, and strategy development Impacts of AI on consumer behaviour, brand management, and marketing analytics Ethical considerations and challenges in deploying AI for marketing purposes The aim is to further our understanding of how AI is transforming marketing, and how marketers can effectively leverage these emerging technologies. Both conceptual and empirical papers that advance knowledge in this domain are encouraged. We look forward to insightful submissions that contribute to the discussion around the opportunities and implications of AI for the marketing discipline.
Business to Business and Supply Chain ManagementTrack Chairs: A/Prof Daniel Prior, Dr Drew Franklin Buyer-supplier relationships along global supply chains account for most economic activity globally. Despite recognition of their impacts in recent times, particularly when things go wrong, these domains are still under-researched by marketing scholars globally. This track is a ‘big church’ in that we invite papers from multiple areas that address the big issues facing business-to-business exchange and global supply chains. We are interested in a broad range of topics, including but not limited to: sustainability, AI, relationships, (eco)systems, services, value, co-creation/ destruction, governance, methods, modelling, as well as many others. We are open to any methodological approach as well as to conceptual and theoretical pieces. Our hope is to create a forum that furthers our understanding of business-to-business exchange and global supply chains.
Consumer BehaviourTrack Chairs: A/Prof Yimin Cheng, Dr Veronica Jiang, A/Prof Jungkeun Kim We invite papers that challenge the status quo of our understanding of consumer behaviour and contribute, in a theoretical and empirical fashion, to the current knowledge of consumer psychology in marketing relevant milieus. Particular attention will be given to research investigating consumer decision and information processing, consumption experiences, cognitive, affective, and motivational antecedents of consumer behaviour including judgment and decision making. We welcome all papers conducted through quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of both approaches. Conceptual and review papers incorporating past research that offer ground-breaking insights into the field of consumer behaviour, consumer needs, and consumer decision mechanisms are also encouraged.
Consumer Culture TheoryTrack Chairs: Dr Angela Cruz, Dr Markus Wohlfeil The Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) track invites imaginative and theory-driven qualitative research that stretches the theoretical and contextual boundaries to gain a deeper understanding of consumer cultures and subcultures in all their forms. Our track is designed to be an inclusive, exciting, imaginative and constructive space for qualitative researchers, especially doctoral students and emerging researchers passionate about understanding the sociocultural dimensions of consumption practices and experiences in everyday life. Both traditional representations and alternative, creative submissions in spirit or performance are welcome. In fact, we encourage submissions of works in progress, daring conceptual pieces, unconventional or even radical ideas, and consumption practices and experiences that perhaps stray from the mainstream. Our goal is to provoke passion and interest among marketing researchers and non-academic audiences, with inspirational methods that challenge established notions of qualitative consumer and marketing research. This track will act as a safe space to receive support, spark new ideas, and set new trajectories for scholars in Oceania and beyond. CCT work aims to explain consumption practices and experiences, consumer culture and market phenomena by foregrounding the complex intersections between consumers, market structures, and social-cultural as well as sociohistorical contexts. For background reading, we recommend the following papers that outline the purpose and domain of CCT work: Arnould, Eric J., and Thompson, Craig J. (2005), "Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research," Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages 868–882. Maclaran, Pauline, Hogg, Margaret K. and Bradshaw, Alan (2010), “Cultural Influences on Representations of the Consumer in Marketing Theory”, in Maclaran, Pauline, Saren, Michael, Stern, Barbara B. and Tadajewski, Mark (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Marketing Theory, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, pp. 332-352. ISBN: 978-1-84787-505-1. Stone, Tim, Firat, A. Fuat and Gould, Stephen J. (2012) ,"Utilising Consumer Introspection Theory to Place the Culture of Consumer Research Into the Flow of Life", Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 40, pp. 417-421.
Digital Marketing and Social MediaTrack Chairs: Dr Sonika Singh, Dr Mathew Parackal, Dr Torgeir Aleti, Dr Aimee Riedel In line with ANZMAC 2024’s theme of ‘AI for Sustainable Marketing: Bridging Innovation and Responsibility’, the Digital Marketing and Social Media track invites submissions on the evolving impact of digitalisation on consumers, organisations and society at large. We welcome high-quality papers on emerging digital phenomena in both profit and non-profit contexts, focusing on: · Responsible technology use and ethical impacts. · Consumer well-being and value through digital technologies. · Online communication and collaboration. · AI in digital marketing and consumer insights. · Social media marketing and commerce, including influencers and communities. · Omnichannel digital marketing. · Immersive environments like AR, VR, and MR. · Digital transformation, user experience, and customer engagement. · Big data, web analytics, and content marketing. The track is open to a diverse range of papers, including conceptual and empirical ones. We welcome submissions that use conventional qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as recent methodologies such as click-steam modelling, machine learning, deep learning, social network analysis, text mining, and image mining, among others. The track is particularly interested in papers that are central to the conference theme, investigating recent digital developments and transformations in adapting to new realities.
Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations (GAMMA)Track Chair: Prof Ian Phau Theme: Envision AI and Marketing 2030 The track invites papers with a forward-looking theme for the symposium, envisioning the future of marketing shaped by new and innovative advancements, particularly in artificial intelligence. We encourage submissions that explore how AI and other cutting-edge technologies are transforming marketing strategies, consumer behaviour, and market dynamics.
Marketing Analytics, Methods and Modelling (Marketing Methods)Track Chairs: Dr Esther Jaspers, Dr Steven Dunn, A/Prof Giang Trinh This track invites papers dealing with analytics in marketing research that help us to understand how marketing performance and consumer behaviour can be better measured, analysed and managed. Papers that cover new and lesser-known models and algorithms that offer decision support for marketing actions, or new methods of extracting or presenting data are welcome. This track is open to empirical and conceptual papers.
Marketing EducationTrack Chairs: Dr Vicki Andonopoulos, Dr Gavin Northey, Dr Helene Wilkinson, Patrick van Esch Marketing education is currently experiencing a highly disruptive phase. The present-day challenges manifest in various forms, including blended delivery models, increased industry engagement, authentic assessment, experiential learning, shifts towards online delivery, and responsiveness to challenges brought about through GenAI.These factors have exerted greater pressure on our ability to equip and evaluatestudents with the necessary skills for the digital marketing sector. However, it begs the question: are we effectively addressing these challenges, and do our marketing programs cultivate relevantcapabilities in our students? Is our content sufficiently rigorous and relevant? As educators, are we adequately prepared for pedagogical experimentation? Moreover, do we actively collaborate with the industry to co-design and update our marketing programs and curricula? If so, how?We invite submissions ranging from works-in-progress to conceptual papers based on qualitative and/or quantitative research, covering the entire spectrum of development. While we encourage rigorous research, we also embrace teaching case studies in this track, aiming to stimulate discussions on innovative best practices and advancements in teaching within this field.
Marketing Strategy, Branding and Brand ManagementTrack Chairs: Professor Riza Casidy, Dr Arry Tanusondjaja, A/Prof Kerrie Bridson The Marketing Strategy, Branding and Brand Management track welcomes submissions generating insights into firms’ activities related to (1) formulating, evaluating, selecting, and implementing market-oriented strategies that contribute to the company’s goals and its marketing objectives across various stakeholders and (2) building and managing brands in various contexts. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) the strategy–performance relationship, strategic orientations (e.g., market and brand orientation), brand-building, brand strategy (e.g., brand identity, brand purpose, brand positioning, brand architecture, brand evolution), brand implementation (e.g., brand communication), brand performance (e.g., brand image, brand equity, brand valuation), employee-brand relationships (e.g., internal branding, employer branding, brand co-creation) and customer-brand relationships in B2C and B2B contexts (e.g., brand engagement, brand experience, brand communities, brand co-creation). Submissions dealing with the application of new technologies (e.g., augmented reality, artificial intelligence, metaverse) in Marketing Strategy, Branding and Brand Management are encouraged. The track is open to both conceptual and empirical papers using traditional quantitative and qualitative research methods as well as contemporary methodologies such as text mining and network analysis, among others. The track encourages submissions central to the conference theme “AI for Sustainable Marketing: Bridging Innovation and Responsibility”, investigating how new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence should be used responsibly to innovate strategies and brand management.
Services, Retailing and Customer ExperienceTrack Chairs: Dr Megan Phillips, Prof. Sanjit Roy, Dr Gauri Laud This track encourages submissions of conceptual and empirical papers which focus on the areas of services, retailing and customer experience. We invite papers on pioneering and thought provoking research taking a wide range of theoretical lenses and methodological approaches. We welcome papers that cover, but are not limited to, the following topics which may focus on business-to-business or business-to-consumer perspectives: emerging concepts and developments in transformative service research service robots and smart services artificial intelligence, immersive technologies and hybrid service encounters B2B, B2C and C2C services and experiences wellbeing and value co-creation sustainable services and service operations and sustainability service ecosystems actor-to-actor engagement design of services, experiences and retail scapes retail concepts of the future service frontline in age of digital disruption. improving public service access and experience
Social Impact in MarketingTrack Chairs: Prof. Maria Raciti, Prof. Rebekah Russell-Bennett Researchers strive to ‘make a difference’ in society and are under more pressure to do so than ever before. Social impact in research is defined as published research results which have been transferred, leading to an improvement in goals agreed on in our societies (Aiello et al 2021). Social impact in marketing research applies to all three sectors (public, private and non-profit), going beyond theoretical models and frameworks of pro-social or socially responsible marketing to examine the demonstrable contribution and actual change that marketing research makes to society. Papers to be submitted to this track must contain one of the following 1. evidence of social impact from a field-study or real-world marketing program i.e. improvement in consumer wellbeing, reduction in carbon emissions, increase in health status, reduction in speeding, increase in women finding safe housing, improvement in school attendance or 2. critique of current social impact in marketing approaches or measurement. This track adopts a strengths-based approach so please avoid deficit approaches and language. Studies that are formative research or are highly theoretical do not meet the scope of this track and will not be accepted (there are other suitable tracks for these papers).
Social Marketing, Macromarketing and Public PolicyTrack Chairs: Dr Kim Feddema, A/Prof Sommer Kapitan, A/Prof Julia Carins Social Marketing seeks to use marketing to achieve positive social change in behaviour. This might be through encouraging new behaviours (exercise), increases in current behaviours (drinking water), or through behaviour cessation (smoking). New and emerging social marketing practices encourage authentic engagement with community before, during and post interventions, and continued collection and use of user insights. This track invites papers from different social marketing perspectives, including macro-social marketing and systemic interventions. We welcome rigorous qualitative and quantitative work, as well as insightful conceptual pieces, that deal with the potential for social marketing to generate positive behavioural change, break wicked consumption loops, foster consumer well-being, and lead to more resilient communities. Macromarketing examines issues at the nexus of marketing and society, such as, the formation, growth and evolution of markets/marketing systems, externalities and spill-over effects, historical perspectives of marketing, stakeholder well-being, ethics, equality and justice, vulnerable consumers, socio-economic development and quality-of-life. Macromarketers are attentive to important societal problems, how society is affected by marketing and how society influences the conduct of marketing. This entails a consideration of both the opportunities and shortcomings of marketing, whether intended or unintended. The interests of public policy scholars nicely dovetail those of macromarketers. In addition, marketing and public policy scholars examine the role of marketing and its relation to policy decisions and regulatory actions. This track seeks submissions using a wide array of approaches and methodologies, which showcase these discipline’s ability to bring about social change and become the conscience of the marketing community.
Sustainability and EthicsTrack Chairs: Dr Ninh Nguyen, Dr Joya Kemper In this conference track we are exploring sustainability and ethics from the production and demand sides of the market and at the intersections between them. Accordingly, we would like to invite research which addresses environmental, social and economic issues – particularly as businesses and governments look to apply and integrate principles underpinning the circular economy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We also want to encourage research that addresses micro–level (individual) and meso-level (community, (inter)organisational) issues in relation to sustainable and ethical consumption and production. For example, marketing can influence product and service design, encourage repairability, disassembly and design for easy end-of-life sorting as well as encouraging alternative approaches to ownership, such as sharing and collaborative consumption. Firms can also work cooperatively to address sustainability and ethical issues. Marketing has an important role to play in providing the research necessary to support and champion changes to current patterns of consumption and production. All theoretical, empirical, multi - disciplinary and methodological approaches are most welcome in this track.
Tourism and Cross-Cultural MarketingTrack Chairs: Prof Mingming Cheng, Prof Samantha Murdy, Dr Lin Yang Tourism businesses are increasingly faced with greater operational uncertainty and complexity, and demands to demonstrate social and environmental responsibility. It is accordingly imperative to examine how marketing can be applied to enable tourism to fulfil its economic and societal functions while concurrently facilitating the development of sustainable, inclusive, and resilient communities, enterprises, and destinations. Given the multi-disciplinarity of tourism, hospitality and event marketing, we encourage conceptual and empirical papers from diverse scholarly perspectives. Papers that highlight how marketing can be utilized for regenerative tourism, those that enhance tourism marketing practice in line with the UN SDGs, and those that apply diverse and innovative methodologies are encouraged. The future of cross-cultural marketing presents a multitude of challenges and exciting possibilities in this digital age. The global consumer is undergoing a significant transformation, exhibiting evolving values, preference and media consumption habits that demand a reevaluation of traditional marketing strategies. This conference track delves into the intersection of technology and culture, with a focus on emerging trends that are shaping the future of how brands reach and engage diverse audiences on a global scale. We welcomes research that explores cutting-edge trends and innovative approaches that will shape the future of this dynamic field.
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